Ok...so here's the deal....you can listen to the podcast via the player[s] on the home page....just click on the "home" button....there won't be another new show until the week of June 6th. Taking some time off and traveling to the family reunion where I hope not too much blood is shed...we're Irish. This weeks show celebrates the Bo Diddley Beat! Bo Did-It if you will. Starting off in BoStyle with Ronnie Hawkins & the Hawks' killer version of "Who do you love" where Robbie Robertson displays some early Telecaster chops that he would duplicate 2 yrs later when the Hawks backed John Hammond, Jr on his groundbreaking "So Many Roads" LP from 1965. Little Walter keeps the drums pounding with an incredible instrumental that doesn't get the attention that it deserves..."Crazy Legs" indeed....Dr. Jack Van Impe waxes poetic on "the beat!" before Hipbone Slim & the Knee Tremblers do the "Diddley Squat" from "What The Shiek Said"......Bo Diddley wails to "Mona", one of the greatest echo-laden vocals evah! The mass comes to fruition when Robert Ward and the Ohio Untouchables "Hot Stuff" lays down a bed for yours truly to comment on the offerings of this Epistle....."skinny-dippin' in the Oil-O-Joy......" Time to shift gears, hop on a plane for Billy Nicols via London laments the loss of the "Girl from New York" from his ultra-rare LP "Would You Believe". Ex Rocket From the Crypt head honcho, Speedo, with his latest band The Night Marchers "Jump in the fire" from their debut "See You In Magic" gets the thumbs up from uber critic, SzQ the lady that keeps all things Mickster grounded... In case you were wondering: "Night Marchers are ghostly apparitions of a band of beings who move with purpose to the beat of primitive pounding drums. Some say they are armed spirit warriors en route to or from battle, toting archaic weaponry and clothed in decorated helmets and cloaks. Other accounts tell of high-ranking alii (ruler) spirits being guided to places of high importance or to welcome new warriors to join in battle. Perhaps these restless souls are looking to reclaim rightful territory, replay a battle gone awry, or avenge their own deaths. Some say the Night Marchers are searching methodically for an entrance into the next world." Jackie Brenston's follow up to what most consider to be the "1st R&R record", "Rocket 88" was "Independent Woman". A pretty cool r&b number that got 'cool' reviews....well the flip of this great 78rpm [only / no 45 rpm versions out there] was credited to Brenston but is really Billy "Red" Love and his band of plunkers....."Juiced" has to be one of the greatest odes to the potation that fuels just about everything from this era of recordings...1951 / Sun Studios / Chess Records release...."now for the rest of the story....." Bo Diddley makes another appearance at the pulpit with his dancin' shoes on..."Bo's Twist" aka "Rockin' Bo" has it's time on the big stage from 1962...Michigan throws in it's $0.02 with The Woolies relentless slam-in-the-face version of "Who do you love" on Dunhill rekids from 1966.... Time for a sermon from Reverend Mick before heading over to France for some Ye Ye doin's via Christine Laume and Jacqueline Perez with "Rouge rouge" & "Go home" respectively... The last offering of the Podcast is a DRR Show staple, Kai Ray's "I want some of that", The Uptowns' "Here she come again" and the incredible, always mind numbing CAN with "Hoolah hoolah" from the reunion of CAN and their 1st singer, Malcolm Mooney from "Rite Time" Thats it for this week...remember that we won't have a new show for a couple of weeks but don't let that stop you from listening to old pods and turning on your friends to the show...hey! someone's got to keep this music alive!. Signing off for this week and with a promise to be back recharged with handfulls of 45's & 78's, Your humble host, Mickster
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